Monday, September 7, 2009

Nanananana nanananana BATMAN!

I don't usually share things that happen to me, but sometimes something so cool happens you can't help but share it.

This weekend my friends and I headed to this vintage car show in Parsipanny, Lead East. Katie (frequent reader and commenter) goes every year, and I've gone with her a few times. We dress in 50's clothes and play around and generally have a great time, but this year, there was a super special amazing car on display:

That would be the Batmobile, from the original 1960s Adam West Batman! I freaked just getting to touch it, but it gets cooler.

I GOT TO SIT IN IT! I was really hyperventilating. I love Batman, he's always been my favorite super hero. It was probably the coolest thing to ever happen to me.

Those are my friends! They kind of rock. We had a great time. But I had to share.


preppyplayer said...

That's how you make things happen, keep going for it!

Unknown said...

frequent reader & commenter! that's ME! :o)

Jen said...

You look awesome in that outfit. Conveniently, it also matches the Batmobile! It must be a sign. ...of what, I'm not sure yet.

Reenie said...

Preppyplayer: Unfortunately things that exciting don't happen often enough. But I plan to share them every time they do!

Katie: Like I wasn't going to give you credit? I mean, if you didn't constantly validate my insanity, we'd never be friends and I would never have seen the batmobile, you are hugely important here.

Jen: Hi, I miss you. We need to hang out this weekend kthnxbi!!!!!!