Thursday, October 30, 2008


I have become completely bored with 90210.

I went 2 episodes with little to no interest, and I have discovered why.

Kelly and Brenda are gone. My interest in this show is entirely invested in the old connections and they've stopped doing that. I don't care enough about these new kids yet. Both Shannen and Jennie have said they'll be back, and Jason Priestly said so too. I really really want to see Brandon. Badly. Of all the characters that I've been attached to that I want to know how things turned out Brandon Walsh is one of the tops. (Ainsley Hayes from The West Wing and Jess Mariano from Gilmore Girls are the runners up.) So I'm looking forward to that.

As for the new kids, I do like the DixonSilver romance (I am at least engaged enough to call them by their reals names now) and the newly minted NavidAdrianna vibe, which is very cute (Although I'm still holding on for AnnieNavid. And has anyone else noticed the similarities, David, Navid, David, Navid. I'm just saying!)

Also, I'm very much into Chuck this season on Gossip Girl. Oh how things change. Totes pissed that Nate and Jenny hooked up. Not cool.

30 Rock premiere later on or in the morning!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Um, OK...

Aright, here's the deal, I know I just posted but then Jenna gave me the most amazing thing to write about. Thank you Jenna!

Everything Good in the World

Alright so, if you're lazy and don't want to read it, it's an article from The Onion written by Emilio Estevez himself about D4...For those of you who don't know how I feel about D4...well, here's the summation, if Indiana Jones can go to South America and fight Aliens, if Rock can get back in the ring, if John McClane is fighting cyber terrorists, who's to say that the Ducks can't get back out on the ice?

But the highlights of this particular plea come as follows:

"But when you've got no money and no family and it's been three years since Hollywood offered you a role in a film, you've got to ask yourself, "Am I going to sit here on the couch all day and wallow in self-pity, or am I going to get out there and make D4: The Mighty Ducks on my own?""

Do it man! I'm serious, I'd go see it. I'd make my friends go see it. I know my brother and his friends would go see it! Actually I think most people our age would go see it. We have fond memories of the Ducks. We want MORE. We're a generation that was fed on sequels. We ate them up. We read all seven Harry Potters, we watched all the Rocky's in one weekend. We waited on line en masse to see the crapfest that were Episodes 1,2, and 3. This movie will make money. Have no fear.

"We all contemplate slitting our wrists with the blade of the ice skate we wore in the original Mighty Ducks movie, released in 1992 to warm reviews. I know I've been there. But we have to rise above all that and keep calling Josh Jackson until he returns one of our voicemails, keep trying to figure out how to do a special effect that makes it look like a really fast slap shot burned a hole through the net and set it on fire. Because if we don't do that, I ask you, how are we ever going to get work again?"

I am saddened by the idea that Josh wouldn't return Emilio's voicemails. It's also categorically untrue, I mean, we all know that Emilio is partially responsible for Josh's recent career resurgence. You guys remember how he was in Bobby? Yeah, last I checked that was the first thing he did since we all cried like a baby when he and Joey confessed their eternal love for each other in the kitchen of The Ice House at the repast of Jen's funeral. I'm just saying. Also, it's such a part of my childhood, that I forget that this movie was not well received. This is the perfect movie. And as much as I want to see D4 get made, I want it all, I need Josh. It would also be helpful if we got some of the others. Emilio feels the same way

"I didn't get to where I am in life by sitting back and not making Mighty Ducks movies. And I'm sure as heck not going to stop now. I've just got to type up these scripts, and do some funny jokes and some cool new characters like a guy who can shoot a puck backwards through his legs. Also I have to find a budget somewhere, because movies need budgets. Then it's just a matter of picking up the phone and calling the old gang. I'm sure they'd be up for another sequel. Guys like Fulton, Lester, Jesse. I wish I knew their real names."

Goldberg does all those commercials now, I bet he'd be up for a movie. Keenan's got name recognition, he's on SNL, he was in a Samuel L. Jackson movie, but he did the All That 10th Anniversary special, he remembers his roots. Portman was in Rent, and he was/is? engaged to Eden Espinosa, I bet he'd be up for it, maybe he could even sing. Like he has a band or something. Connie Moreau's on TV all the time, Fulton was in The Battle of Shaker could get at least some of them to do it, they're still around. We all wish we knew their real names (OK, I do, some of them. But I'm a walking talking IMDB I'm the wrong person to ask.)

That being said, D4's been a standing joke between me, my brother and our friend Alan for a very long time. We've always joked about how we were going to write a script for it and mail it to Emilio. Our proposed plot:

Charlie Conway did make it to the big time. While playing for The Anaheim Ducks (sadly they are no longer Mighty) he sustains a knee injury (see, see how we're bringing the old stories in?) that ends his hockey career. Despondent over this development, Charlie gets by by speaking at Pee Wee Hockey League Banquets about his time with the Ducks. There was a Disney movie made of their story a la Remember The Titans. He also drinks a lot. One day he gets caught drunk driving (See what we did again? ;-) ) and calls his old coach and current lawyer to get him out of it. Bombay does so by saying Charlie will complete community service...coaching a Pee Wee Hockey team. The team's rival team is coached by none other than Rick Riley, Charlie's nemesis from D3...or if we can't get him we make it one of the Hawks, who we just create. The team, a bunch of misfits who Charlie whips into shape by getting the old team together and showing the kids how great Teamwork is. Oh, also, he bonds especially with one of them, who happens to have a single mom, and they hook up (Him and the mom, not him and the kid). Basically a rehash of the original with Charlie in Bombay's place and Bombay in Hans's.

You think Emilio would be interested in our version?


As usual, after the halfway point of Dancing With The Stars, I present my halfway analysis.

First, I definitely want to see a Hough vs Hough final...also Warren and Kym. Football players always do well, (Read, Emmit Smith, Jason Taylor) and I really love how good Warren Sapp is. As for Julianne and Derek, seriously, they should have been going head on in the finale that was Julianne's second win (JENNIE GARTH WAS ROBBED! Screw you Marie Osmond. Yes, I am still angry about a dismissal from Dancing With The Stars almost a year ago. You wanna mess?) Anyway, Brooke and Derek are unbelievably unstoppable, like Kristi and Mark last season, Apollo and Julianne two years ago kind of unstoppable, but if anyone's going to stop them it's that adorable Cody and Julianne...seriously, he's so so so so so cute. He's also 18...I'm 21, almost, I feel very cougary, as does Julianne, what with her being a whole 2 years older than him, haha. Anyway, this week, when they went head on in the jitterbug...AWESOME. And also so so so so so cute. Also, Cloris Leachman is funny and I love Young Frankenstein, but seriously, Grandma's gotta go, so does Maurice Greene, and Susan Lucci...and that leaves, oh um, Cody, Brooke, Warren and Lance. Oh Lance...

Here's the thing. Joey Fatone was soooo good. Like unbelievably good, like if he'd been up against anyone but Apollo and Julianne he would have won big time, but Lance...mmm, not so much with the good. And I figured out why. He was partnered all wrong. I mean, Lacey, she's cute, I guess, but they don't seem to vibe well. Someone with a hip hop dance background doesn't need a partner who's all about thinking outside the box. They need someone like, um, well Kym or Cheryl. Mostly because Kym and Cheryl are extremely traditional, but still fun. So I've concluded that it's so not Lance's fault that he sucks.

Anyway, here's how I see it going down: Final Four, as I just described...then Lance goes...Bye bye Lance! Finale show, Houghs and Kym. Cody lucked out because he did start slow, but being with Julianne, who has a built in fan base as well as being a part of Mileyworld gives him some extra juice. Seriously, as untouchable as the teen queens of our glory days were (Britney and Christina ruled the world, not to mention Mandy and Jessica) they had nothing on Miley. I'm actually afraid that someday I'm going to get a phone call that says, "Oh, by the way Miley Cyrus now owns you." I won't even be that surprised, actually I'll ask if now I can meet Dolly Parton.

Also Brooke Shields.

But back to the topic at hand. Like I've said before, I really want to see what Derek could do with a freestyle. He's such a remarkably creative choreographer, and with no limits, well, I think it will be amazing!

Also, I figured out why I love this show so much. Earlier this year my mom teased me and called me "A middle aged gay man." (She was teasing me for loving Cole Porter as much as I do.) So it's the middle aged gay man who loves this show so much. Think about it, old school celebrities, lots of sequins, muscley guys dancing around with their chests showing. I'm not usually into stereotypes, but I mean come on.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

At last!

So, thank God, I finally found someone else in my life who's Team Jacob. Honestly, usually I'm so on with my friends when it comes to pairings, but apparently not when it comes to Twilight, that is until I started talking about it with Erin. Who I should have known would feel the same way. Our conversation went something like this.

Me: Like, this summer, I read all the Twilights.
Erin: Me too!
Me: Oh my God, yay! And I know I'm like totally alone, but I'm so Team Jacob it's sad.
Erin: Oh my God I know! I love Jacob!
Me: I know, by the end of the third book, Edward's just such an asshole!
Erin: I wouldn't go that far, but Jacob is just better! She totally should have chosen Jacob.

Maggie and Beth looked at us like we were crazy, but still. We then discussed the movie which again, at last I have found someone who's looking forward to it! We both also agreed to reread them over Thanksgiving and then discuss further.

Shut up, we're English majors, we read things, then we dissect and discuss. It's just the way out minds work.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Wow. It finally happened. I used to joke about it, but Josh Schwartz and Co, actually did it. Dan Humphrey and Nate Archibald have officially just morphed into Seth Cohen and Ryan Atwood. It happened slowly, but it happened. I see it happening in 4 steps:

Step 1: Dan (Seth) is a social reject, Nate (Ryan) good with people. Dan is awkward and babbles, Nate cool, blond, keeps his thoughts to himself except when it's really important.

Step 2: Dan (Seth) has on again off again relationship with girl of his dreams, Serena (Summer). Nate (Ryan) begins an tumultuous and unclear relationship with a girl from Dan's world, Vanessa (Marissa) while still holding onto sort of feelings from girl back in his own, Blair (Theresa).

Step 3: Dan (Seth) has cool hipster dad, Rufus (Sandy), who has a thing for pretty perfect blonde women named Lilly (Kirsten.) Nate (Ryan) has a white collar criminal father (plain old regular criminal father/brother) and a flaky socialite mother (flaky alcoholic mother).

Step 4: Nate's flaky socialite mother (flaky alcoholic mother) abandons him and they get evicted from their home. So Dan (Seth) and Rufus (Sandy) take Nate (Ryan) in to sleep on their couch (in their poolhouse.)

YES people, Nate has moved in with the Humphreys. Because, clearly, they're trying to further blur the lines between The OC and Gossip Girl.

This is going to be good.

Between this James Vanderbeek's One Tree Hill appearance, and the continued insinuation that we will see Dylan before this season of 90210 is out, all my teen soap dreams are coming true.

Could actually putting the finishing touches on my pilot be far behind?

Monday, October 20, 2008

A detour, we're all in this together.

So coming up this week is HSM 3.

I'm debating walking down the hill to the shitty near campus movie theater to see it on Saturday afternoon, the problem being I have no HSM fan friends out here. Another part of me wants to wait on it, wait to see it with the friends who I curled up on a couch three years ago with and watched the first one. Of course if I do that I probably won't get to it at all, since one of said friends is in England at the moment.

There's something magical about High School Musical, or there was. It was something simple and basic and special. It was a throwback, like some kind of half baked churned out musical from the 1940s, the kind that Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly passed on. Then it exploded and the magic was sort of gone. It killed the scene, that's for sure. There was a pocket of us, The Theatre Geeks, we don't exist anymore, that group of kids who used to stop all action in the room at the sound of Idina Menzel's voice. Anyway, The HSM phenomenon was the death knell of that.

Then came HSM 2. Which in my opinion is the superior film but the worse movie, if that makes any sense. In theory, it's better, the choreography is more complex, the songs more intricate, the vocals more professional even the cinematography cleaner, but there wasn't as much magic. Sure there was more Lucas Grabeel and Corbin Bleu (By far the two biggest talents to emerge from the series) and Zac Efron had gotten sexy, but it just wasn't enough.

Now 3 comes, a full length feature film in the theaters release. HSM has probably gotten too big for it's britches and I don't like it. I haven't heard any of the songs yet, and I've only watched the basic trailer. Although Lucas in white tails and a matching top hat does excite me. And there seems to be lots of shirtless wet Zefron happening. But I refuse to get my hopes up or to become emotionally invested.

Saying that you know I'm going to cry like a baby at the graduation scene.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


This week on Degrassi, Jane plays football. Because Jane is badass.

She plays wide receiver not fullback, but I still couldn't help but think of Becky "The Icebox" O'Shea. Some of the guys on the team (Danny, Sav) are totally cool with this. Spinner is supportive boyfriend. He's very good at that. Other people (Derek, Long haired Lakehurst goon who was totes there when they stabbed JT, weird new quarterback who Holly J is going to hook up with) are not OK with it and are terrorizing her. She tells new sleazy principal about this (I HATE this guy, seriously, why is Snake not the principal?) and he's like "You wanna play with guys this is what you put up with." I do like that they're returning Derek to his roots. Because he got lumped in with Danny and JT, you lost that he was initially tapped to be the jerk. His first appearance was as a point guard on the basketball team who made fun of Jimmy for being crippled...does no one else remember that? Anyway, Derek, NQB and Thug eventually beat on her and she flips. She tells Spinner and he gets all "I'm gonna killabitch" and she's all "Shut up I'm fine." Even Mia and Holly J are on her side. Well, Mia's expected, since Jane is Izzie's aunt and everything, but not necessarily Holly J. She wins the day because this is Degrassi and that's how these things work. But I do have to say that if Spin becomes what Alex was in the beginning (Supportive Spouse Role) I'm going to throw a shit fit. I know with all his friends gone, there's not a whole lot else for him to do but still.

In other news, Darcy went to Kenya to do missionary work...if by "Kenya" you mean "Beverley Hills", and by "missionary work" you mean, "making out with that lame Luke Perry-Ian Zerring Knock off" than yeah, I get what you're saying. Peter is angry and frustrated and as a result hooks up with Mia? Huh? Anyway, Danny's all, "Mia's a whore." And Sav's all, "I'm staying out of it." And then Mia's all, "Let's be boyfriendgirlfriend and I'll tell you about how cute my daughter is." And Darcy's sister is all, "Darcy misses you, she sent you a present from West Bev-I mean Africa." Peter broods and looks into the camera. Also, now that Peter is emancipated, he lives in an apartment that looks suspiciously like the one Sean and Ellie lived in in Season 3. I'm just saying. I do think it's a little odd that they're making Mia the new Manny. She's just going to hook up with everyone, huh?

Oh also, we got a "hun" out of Holly J this week. Sigh It's just not the same. Paige, we need you!

Friday, October 17, 2008

More than Salad dressing

OK, so, again due to the Smallville Binge there was a cut back in my regular viewing schedule (I've dropped Terminator, Mondays were too full anyway, and personally, I wasn't buying it anymore. I mean, I'm sorry, it's too creepy that John's in love with Cameron, she's a ROBOT, and hot robot but a robot none the less.) But the binge now ends, I have watched every single episode of Clark and the gang, and it has officially been added to the schedule. I'm just so glad that episodes will now by Lana free, I really hate her. Like I haven't had a flaming hatred for a fictional character who you supposed to like since the early days of the Duck obsession and I hated Adam Banks. But this is not what I was planning on writing about, at all. I was planning on writing about Paul Newman.

It has been almost a month since Paul Newman died. It's odd, because I haven't dwelled on it the way I usually do when famous people died, because I'm around other people who were born after 1985 who's parents for some reason, unlike mine didn't decide to give them a proper pop culture education before the age of ten, they all think that he's the salad dressing guy. Me, I know Butch and Sundance by heart and The Sting is in my top 20.

My mom is a huge Paul Newman fan. HUGE. My dad met Paul Newman once because he was up for a job reorganizing the foundation, (You know where all that salad dressing money goes) and I think my mom almost actually squealed. My mom is not a squealer. I'm a squealer, my mom is not. We almost always bought Newman's Own foods, not just because they were better than other foods, but because she liked that his picture was on them. See, I come by all of this craziness naturally folks. Last year when I had to write that paper on a Western and I said I couldn't decide what movie to do, my mother's response was immediately, "Butch and Sundance! Of course Butch and Sundance!" (I ended up doing it on Serenity.) To her, this is really hard, because her celebrity crush died, and not like when Heath Ledger died on my sister, he died because he was old and sick. Which is really hard for her to accept because it means she's getting old. This is how she interprets it. She also didn't say that because well, that's not how my mother rolls, she doesn't talk about her feelings except in a sarcastic way, or if I prompt her. But I know her, and I know that's how she's feeling.

It must be weird, I mean, what happens when our hotties start getting old? I mean, besides George Clooney who is ageless and just gets sexier by the minute. What happens when all of a sudden like Leo's an old guy? I'm just saying.

Paul Newman was a movie star, you know, in the old fashioned sense, he always played a similar character, and did it well, he was bigger than the characters. And the man made damn good salad dressing.

Seriously, his Balsamic Vinagrette? If you're going with bottled it's the way to go.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Whatever it takes...

So due to my Smallville binge (seriously I'm hooked, but is it just me or is Lana Lang just really annoying and did they make Lois completely awesome and badass on purpose? I mean, I've always thought Lois Lane was totally lame!) Anyway, that's another story for another day, due to this binge I sort of skipped most of my shows this week and I've spent the last two days (OH GLORIOUS BREAK) catching up. 90210 did nothing worthy of comment this week, except that Stylan and Donda almost kissed. Again. Woo. So I will instead discuss something else, Degrassi: The Next Generation Season 1,000,000 Premiere. OK, so Degrassi hasn't actually been on for a million years. But it feels like it. But, for the sake of argument let's look at who from the original cast is left.

1. Emma
2. Manny
3. Liberty
4. Spinner
5. Snake

No kids, I'm serious, that's it! This season we have no Jimmy, no Paige! (NO PAIGE! UGH! Hon, this is such a problem!) no Toby, obviously no JT (Shut up! He'll be back. I don't care, JT isn't dead!) This is like ER level exodus. Anyway, that being said, the new already established characters, ie, Anya, Holly J, Mia, Danny, Sav, I like them. I do. Also Darcy? She's still at Degrassi, it's kind of amazing that she manages to go to Degrassi and West Beverly at the same time! I know crazy right? Anyway, they're all good, and I'm happy to see them back, I am sad to see no Ellie and no Marco. I love Ellie and Marco. They're the best ever. The episode focused on Mia, (Good choice since she is intimately connected to the original cast.) and her quest to be a model. The story line was Degrassi-heavy. Mia makes the mistake of sleeping with a booker to get a job, falls into the glamorous Toronto modeling world. (Yeah, I know, it's a leap of faith) and forgets little things like, oh, her daughter, and her school, and her blossoming romance with Danny (Major ick factor, what with Mia being JT's girlfriend, and Danny being Liberty's brother, I'm just saying!) and then learns her lesson before its too too late, but not before selling her soul to Holly J.

The B story focused on the new new characters. Darcy's little sister Claire is now at Degrassi, still wearing her private school uniform (weird) and in the gifted program, with Snake's conveniently existing nephew uh, let's call him Toby? and this badass smart sensitive skater guy who we'll call um, Sean? and Sav's smart but sorta skanky little sister, let's go with Manny? Anyway, Sean and Claire are all awkwardy grade 9 flrity with each other, but she's also sort of getting her weird smart girl flirt on with Snake's nephew. So looks like we've got ourselves a new Degrassi love triangle...It won't be MannyCraigAshley, but nothing ever will be. Ever again. And we all just have to live with it.

The third story line (Oh yes 3 stories in one hour long episode!) was Emma, Manny and Liberty starting at Smithdale. Manny and Liberty make new friends, and Manny's introducing herself as Mauela...Emma freaks out! Why can't they just be three best friends and not meet new people! Emma hates change, in case we haven't observed this over the past twenty million episodes. Anyway, she changes their housing and now they live with a boy, DRAMA! Emma and boy befriend each other. Too bad for him once Sean gets home from Iraq, he's done.

All in all it was a fine episode, I just don't know what I'm going to do without Marco. I love Marco! Anyway, as long as Emma and Manny are around it'll be fine!

Monday, October 6, 2008

How'd I miss this?

OK, so I don't know how in the hell I missed out on Smallville for all these years? I mean, I was resistant to it, I thought it was kind of a stupid concept, and my feelings on Superman (Ehhh, not as good as Batman, yes Jen, I KNOW you like Superman better) and my hesitancy to accept the legitimacy of The WB probably had something to do with it. But this weekend I watched season 1 and some of season 2 (my new favorite thing ever) and I can't believe I was never into this before. I mean, for the love of God, it combines superheroes and teen dramas the two cornerstones of my nerdness.

Long story short I plan to catch up as fast as possible and at the very least indulge in season 8 once I'm there.

Because you know, I need another show to be addicted to. Clearly.

And on that note, shall we discuss this season's DWTS?

Lance Bass has been a raging disappointment, although him dancing the Paso to "I kissed a girl" was hilarious. You know because he's a homo.

I love Cody Linely and he and Julianne are just plain adorable together, all sweet and fresh and blonde. Their rumba was one of the first non boring non creepy ones I've seen on the show.

Toni Braxton and Brooke Burke are also great, Kim Kardashian was awful, but she and Mark looked hot together, it's a shame she's gone.

So yeah, that's that.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

JJ Abrams is a liar!!

So I just watched this week's episode of Fringe...aside from Josh in his underwear again...mmmm...there's something that's annoying me. In an interview JJ Abrams said what he was excited about with Fringe was that there wasn't going to be a lot of "WTF is going on here?" moments. There wouldn't be any numbers, or polar bears, or "Who are the bad guys?" and "Who are the good guys?" happening. No, it was going to be more straightforward, with your questions getting answers. Well JJ, I've got some questions for you.

  1. If Walter and Peter can read each other's minds, why isn't Peter aware of it?
  2. Who's the bald guy? And to make this clear not the bald black guy who's Olivia's boss, but the weird bald white guy we just met in this episode?
  3. How is Olivia's dead partner standing in her kitchen at the end of the episode?
  4. What does that strange company want with Olivia?
  5. Who is Peter hiding from?
  6. What did Walter do to make Peter hate him so much?
  7. Who's side is the bald black guy on? The evil corporation.
So yeah...that's all I'm saying those are questions...JJ Abrams, you're a liar!