Monday, March 30, 2009

Classin up the joint...

Is it just me or have the Jenny Craig spokesladies gotten more and more classy and more as time passes.

Think about it...their first celebrity endorsement was Kirstie Alley, who is not at all classy. I mean, fabulous? At times, but classy, no way, no how.

Then we get Valerie Bertenelli. Still not so much with the class, but definitely with the fabulous. And she actually kept the weight off, unlike Kirstie.

Then we got Queen Latifah, who boosts both the classy and the fabulous. Because she is both classy and fabulous. Not to mention it wasn't aesthetic with was about having more energy and being more healthy. She's still the curvy girls best role model. Why? Because she's actually just that, CURVY, she's got big boobs and hips and a butt and she's tall. Oh right, and she's beautiful and fabulous and talented. (Other women who fit this: Jennifer Hudson, America Ferrera, and I plan to be the curvy girl icon for whit girls. So there.)

And now we have Phylicia Rashaad. Classy? HELL YEAH! This woman is class. It's like, you hear classy? You think like Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Phylicia Rashaad. And have you seen her most recent add, she looks fantastic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dont think valerie bertonelli is UNCLASSY. it's just you'd probably come up with "adorable" before you come with "classy".