Saturday, March 28, 2009

Did I fall asleep?

I owe Dollhouse a huge apology for my doubt! After turning a corner last week, this week it took off and a speeding pace...but it was the scenes for next week, where Echo remembers that she is in fact Caroline, and she, Sierra and Victor wake up and decide to escape the dollhouse. The episode is going to be titled "Awakening."

I'm impressed that it took only seven episodes for it to took Fringe a lot longer. (Fringe back in two weeks, hallelujah! It's been far too long since Josh...sigh Josh!) I was frustrated at first but doing five weeks of buildup only made the past two episodes all the more rewarding.

So I apologize Joss and Eliza...I never should have doubted you.

Now seriously, how long until Sarah Michelle makes her guest appearance...she could be like another uprising doll, or something.

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