Monday, February 16, 2009

OK NBC, you got me.

Jeez, Heroes...every time I think I'm out you suck me back in.

I mean...Claire's got a new boy toy, who looks remarkably Milo like. Way to go casting. Oh right, and he's Aquaman. Which totes beats Mohinder's change into Spiderman and Peter's Rogue powers, or Tracy not Nikki's Ice Man imitation.

Moira Kelly? REALLY? MOIRA EFFING KELLY?????? God, I love to hate that woman. Doesn't matter whether she's having stupid not as good as Donna sexual tension with Josh on The West Wing (Oh Mandy, where art thou?) Or playing mother to a son who I'm pretty sure is only seven years younger than her. (I know Karen was supposed to be 17 when she had Lucas, but considering Chad was about 37 when they filmed the OTH pilot it still doesn't quite work out) and now shutting down Nathan's (Nathan haha, sorry, maybe you have to be me to find it funny) evil plot to destroy all the heroes. OK, actually I think she'll make an interesting addition to the cast...she is really good at looking concerned and lecturing so matching her up with Nathan and Tracy is a good move.

But the real treat came in the form of Ando getting a love interest, Sylar ditching that obnoxious kid and in the preview for the new John Wells show, Southland.

It looks like a fairly standard cop drama but it has something else going for it...Ryan Atwood.

OK, so Ben McKenzie, as a cop. Yes, you heard me right, Ben McKenzie as a cop. I know, I squealed too.

And the show looks pretty good too, and we haven't had a really solid cop drama (you know, just regular cop drama, no murder investigation) in a while. Remember Third Watch? That was a good show. NYPD Blue, also good.

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