Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Isn't it bromantic...

So last night I watched Monday's Big Bang Theory where Leonard's mother (played by Christine Barinski LOVE HER!) called out Raj and Howard on their "Asexual homosexual marriage" in non genius terms, a bromance!

I love the term "Bromance" I think its really funny, and being the pop culture historian that I am I'm going to offer in this post some of the greatest bromances throughout time. These are my ten favorites, in no particular order.

1. Casablanca: Rick/Sam, Rick/Louis
The classic love story actually offers us two of the greatest Bromances ever. Rick and Sam, and Rick and Louis. With Sam and Rick you get the blind loyalty that is so important to the Bromance. Even at double the salary Sam won't leave Rick, and Rick, when selling his Cafe Americain, makes sure first and foremost that Sam is taken care of. And as for Louis and Rick, its all about the banter baby. There's nothing in the world better for a Bromance than banter. And like many a good one, it is declared, OK, so its the last line of the movie but it is still very important. "Louis, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

2. M*A*S*H Hawkeye/Trapper and Hawkeye/BJ
M*A*S*H was groundbreaking, it was anti-war at a time when being anti-war=being anti-American. It dropped the laugh track. It pioneered the bromance! Hawkeye and Trapper drank, pranked and bantered for the first three seasons, and then Hawkeye and BJ drank, pranked, bantered and preached for the rest. Honestly, you just can't beat them, because of the Alda factor. Anything Alan Alda touches just becomes better. Honestly, it does.

3. The Odd Couple Felix/Oscar

Whether its the play (there were too many pictures to pick), the movie (One of my favorites, Jack Lemmon is a true Bromance pioneer, he was also in Some Like It Hot!) or the TV show, Felix and Oscar are so important to the bromance that they need to be mentioned. After all their fights bordered on marital. Oh right, and they're funny, and Neil Simon created them. Just go with it.

4. Boy Meets World: Corey/Shawn
I'm a child of the 90s. I wanted a relationship with my best friend like theirs. Not that my best friends aren't awesome...but we aren't Corey and Shawn, because as much as Corey and Topanga are the "love story" of this little show that could, it was really all about Corey and Shaw. And Eric and Feeney...but I can only do so much in one post.

5. The Sandlot Smalls/Benny
OK, so The Sandlot isn't exactly a pioneer in the Bromance field. And maybe I could have looked harder to find a picture of both of them...but look at those my friends Beatriz and I once said, we were sexually attracted to Benny The Jet before we knew that we were. He's beautiful...right, OK, so Benny and Smalls were best friends and stayed so for their entire lives. And they are legends...or Benny is. Really he's the important one...and look at those eyes!

6. Scrubs JD/Turk
So, once upon a time we didn't know who Zach Braff was. And the world was a sadder place. And Donald Faison was merely the cute guy from Clueless and Remember The Titans. But now they're our chocolate bear and vanilla bear. They've serenaded each other more times than most straight couples on TV, including the ode to bromance "Guy Love."

7. Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II, Various shorts and TV Guest Appearances Jay and Silent Bob
Kevin Smith put the bromance into his movies long before Judd Apatow did, all of them center around a guy on guy friendship (Except Jersey Girl, but we don't count it.) But nothing comes anywhere near the hetero life mates who make their way all through the entire series. Maybe its because Jason and Kevin really are so tight. Maybe its because Kevin and Scott Mosier have a real bromance, or because if it weren't for him we wouldn't know about the greatest Hollywood bromance, Ben and Matt, but something about these two drug peddling ne'erdowells just brings a smile to my face. That and Silent Bob is just so wise. Honestly the guy can make you think, and with just a line from Star Wars

8. D2 and D3 The Mighty Ducks Fulton Reed/Dean Portman
Sadly, I couldn't find a picture of the Bash Brothers...but I would be a poor poor 90s kid if I left them out. Honestly...they're wonderful, and random, since one scene they hate each other and the next they are BFFs...that's what Fanfiction is for friends, really!

9. Will and Grace Jack/Will
The gay bromance is not only often overlooked but its fairly complicated, especially the way its shown in pop culture. But I think Jack and Will have the balance down. They aren't at all involved romantically...although there is a question as to Jack's feelings about his bff. They aren't even soulmates as they have their soulmates elsewhere (Will has Grace, Jack has Karen) and they even find romantic fulfillment elsewhere (Will had Vince, Jack has every gay man in New York, and Kevin Bacon) so they're just best friends, and they really are the best of, whether its heading out to a gay bar when Will has once again had his heart broken or sipping cappachino at Chez Jacques this is it for them, besties for evs!

10. Entourage Vince/Eric/Turtle/Drama/Ari
I think the picture says it all. They've been best friends forever, and Ari. They're family. The end.

So there it is...those are my top Bromances...what do you think? Anyone you would add to the list?


Unknown said...

haha i enjoyed this! Bromances are totally my favorite thing on tv...the additions i can think of so far:
Chandler and Joey <3
Chuck and Nate (things have been on the rocks, yes, but they always come back to each other....i have high hopes for the chuck+nate relationship)

there's like a million others im sure but these are the best along with the ones you already a huge JD and Turk fan.

Jen said...

"Hawkeye and Trapper drank, pranked and bantered for the first three seasons, and then Hawkeye and BJ drank, pranked, bantered and preached for the rest."

I think this provides an excellent summary of all eleven seasons of M*A*S*H. =) (I <3 Alan Alda.)

I can't think of another pop-culture bromance right now, though I feel like there is one I should suggest. In the meantime, I posit that Hamlet and Horatio are another example, at least in the Laurence Olivier movie. ...Yeah, I have no life.

Reenie said...

Katherine: I know, it was hard for me not to include Chuck and Nate...but I decided that I would keep it a little lighter. Plus you know that I think Chuck's feelings go a lot deeper than bromance...I think he is actually in love with Nate, so there's that.

Jen: I knew I could count on you to come up with a more academically minded example! Hamlet and Horatio will absolutely be added to Bromances Part II. More seriousness.