Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It comes in waves...

I have an obsessive personality. I just do. I suppose its something I should work on, but I really don't want to. I like my obsessions. I enjoy analyzing something down to the juice.

Lately, I've been dwelling on two...and oddly for me, both are musical. The music I've been listening to lately has been a mixture of the classic rock that I've always and probably always will listen to and female Country-Pop singers. Seriously, I've listened to Carrie Underwood, and Julianne Hough and Taylor Swift more in the past weekend than I thought I ever would.

But its this one line in "My Hallelujah Song" by Julianne Hough that's been, I guess haunting is the only appropriate word, but its not really since its got negative connotations

"Life is more than just how many breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away."

I haven't had enough of those moments lately. I'm looking for them again.

Whatever, maybe I'm just feeling contemplative because I'm taking a Creative Nonfiction Writing course as well as a course where we read and analyze memoirs. If anything is going to make you slow down and look at your life its that combination.

1 comment:

preppyplayer said...

That is a good course, if it makes you think!