Monday, April 20, 2009

Summer Movie Preview Part I: Sci-Fi Fantasy Edition

It's coming! It's almost movie season...yes, I refer to that blockbuster blitz period between memorial day and labor day as movie season...its like following a sport after all. Anyway, here's my summer movie preview...

Part I: Sci-Fi Fantasy Edition
Since the dawning of the new millenium we geeks have been brought out into the mainstream. God bless the comic book movie and the various publishing phenomenons that did it. As a result every summer the multiplexes are flooded with Sci-Fi/Fantasy offerings, and we eat it up.

X-Men: Origins: Wolverine

Now, let's prepare ourselves now, awesome Sci Fi/Action trilogy that peaked in its second part, and now a prequel, with two colons in it...let's remember what happened last time we got hyped up about this. It was called Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I happen to like that movie, but for some reason most people disagree with me, anyway, I really want to see Wolverine. If only because we finally get to see Gambit. Personally, I want to see how this whole Origins franchise pans out too. We know they're working on Magneto, but I'd really like to see Storm. But I can't wait to see Logan's story unwind. Apparently they take Wolverine back to his gritty roots. I'm not sure what that means, since as I remember it, Wolverine's roots involve yellow spandex, but I think it's an admirable goal.

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
Remember those publishing phenomenons I was talking about? This is one of them. I was among the less outraged when they bumped this movie's release from Christmas to summer, mostly because it then allowed for Twilight to be bumped from January to Christmas (Why they thought that they couldn't release them one after another I still don't know...but Hollywood execs are still baffled by the minds of teenage girls. Let me let you in on a little secret, you want to appeal to them, you give them cute boys, and lots of different ways for those cute boys to get together with average girls, so they can write fanfiction about it.) Anyway, the movie looks fantastic, and I really really can't wait to see the way it all is shown, especially *SPOILER ALERT*

Dumbledore's Murder.


Star Trek
I'm not a Trekkie, until I was in college I'd never even seen an episode of Star Trek. But quite a few of my friends are big fans and we have plans to see the movie, since we'll be at school. I've now seen maybe ten Star Trek episodes and I think I get the jist. Also, JJ Abrams directed it and he's admittedly not a Trekkie so that makes it much less intimidating, and I'm still hoping that maybe he'll give us a clue to what the numbers mean. And I really can't wait to see what Zachary Quinto does with Spock. I mean, will it just be Sylar with Spock ears? (Which I have been told by my Trekkie roommate would be a total travesty, me, I think it would be funny!) Oh, right and Simon Pegg is Scottie, and Harold from Harold and Kumar is Sulu...I still sort of wish it was Masi Oka...haha, get it? That would be worth the price of admission.

Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen
I'm not sure what the plot is. Not that it matters. The point is that they're robots in disguise, and I don't hate Michael Bay as much as most people in the blogosphere. I kind of like Michael Bay's movies. Pearl Harbor especially. So, yeah, it's going to be good. Or at least fun. Also Shia, I love Shia sooo much.

GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra
See: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Substitute: for Shia...Joseph Gordon Levitt.


Jen said...

"Also, JJ Abrams directed it and he's admittedly not a Trekkie so that makes it much less intimidating"



Yes. We all need to go see this movie. I'm psyched.

Tom Foolery Theatre said...

May 8th! Personally, I'm up for a midnight showing if you are!

Reenie said...

Also, there was a very cute quote from Abrams in Entertainment Weekly about having to direct Leonard Nimoy that went something like, "He's been playing the character for 30 years, but he kept asking me questions, and I just wanted to be like, 'DUDE just BE SPOCK!"

preppyplayer said...

Love it!
"Dude, just be Spock" I will carry that to the grave! LOL