Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So I'm finally watching my DVR'd MTV movie awards, and I have to say, it's been a long time since I watched an MTV awards show...I forgot what a joy they are to watch, so silly and out there and enjoyable.

Twilight cleaned up...mostly I would bet because the MTV Movie Awards are fan voted, and Twilight fans are NUTS (I can attest, I am one of them).

I was watching pretty much for the New Moon preview, I'm not going to lie. It did not disappoint. Check it out.

Ok, so that wasn't really it, that was Andy Samberg mocking it, but it was damn funny. The actual trailer was great too.

Damn does Jacob look fine! Anyway, it looks way better than Twilight did, what with all the bright colors and formalwear. LOL, what do you guys think?

The awards were given, Eminem threw a fit (I love the guy's music, really, but he has got to learn to take a joke!) The Ben Stiller tribute was hilarious, I really hope Triumph makes it to The Tonight Show. Denzel presented with his daughter...Miley won best song, I really liked the whole show. Keep it up MTV, keep the fun coming, representing the people's voice!


preppyplayer said...

I thought the show was so bad and SO good! How can that be?
Looking forward to the new twilight movie.
kristin stewart is so AWKWARD and it's cute that she knows that :)

Reenie said...

The show did have a "so bad that it's good" quality to it. But MTV Awards shows (at least for as long as I can remember them) always have that quality.

Kristin Stewart is sooo awkward. If it didn't work so well for the character of Bella I'd probably be a lot less of a fan. It is cute that she acknowledges that.

Anonymous said...

not nearly enough jacob sexy pants in that trailer.


Reenie said...

Yes, Katie, I do agree on that end. But the one shot we got of him was SUPER sexy pants. And we just have to keep remembering that the whole movie is about him. If they keep it true to the book at all, Edward should only be in like 20 minutes of it, tops.