Saturday, January 31, 2009

Frightening prospect

Last night Katie and I hit Revolutionary Road. It was a pretty good movie, anchored by Leo, no matter what pro critics are saying about Kate's performance. She was a little over the top, and her character was so unlikable that it was hard to enjoy any time she was on screen, where as Leo had a more nuanced and basic performance that ran the gambit from sweet and naive to frightening and angry. He was very very good, and I'm pretty upset now that he didn't even get the Oscar nomination.

As for the movie itself, I wasn't expecting sunshine and bunnies, because, let's be honest, its Sam Mendes, the man doesn't direct happy movies. But it painted such a grim picture of life in suburbia, Katie and I couldn't help but be unsettled. Those were our lives, kind of, that's our parents. Well, not exactly, but it was the lifestyle that we grew up in and we don't think its that bad.

So that was our problem with it, that and as any Mendes piece it was just slightly over directed. But it is very very good.

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