Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Benny and The Wizard

Broadway actor's who need employment juggernaut Private Practice threw us another one last week. I just watched it, and Joel Grey showed up playing an older doctor who was dying and on his death bed dispensing wisdom to Sam and Pete.

As you saw from last night's hysterical post, I love bizarre reunions. Love them. I think they're great. But this was a particularly special one for me.

My nethandle has been since I was sixteen "Galindapopular." Wicked is an incredibly important part of my past and some of the connections with my friendships were formed around our love for it. Little known fact, (Or widely known in some circles) The first year of its run Norbert Leo Butz, who played Fiyero sustained a back injury that knocked him out for two weeks. And Taye in a wonderful act of husbandly perfectness stepped in and played the role opposite his wife Idina Menzel. People who caught the performance said it was wonderful and hard core Wicked fans (I hold myself to that standard) have all watched at least clips of it online, and most of us are pushing for him to take the role for the film version that really had better happen soon.

So this reunion was particularly special for me and prompted me to refind this:

and this:

Seriously, I wasn't completely obsessed with this show for no reason. It's really something special. I may run down to FYE right now and buy another copy of the OBC...I've mislaid my copy and lost the MP3 files when my computer crashed this summer. It is one that I need.

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