Monday, October 6, 2008

How'd I miss this?

OK, so I don't know how in the hell I missed out on Smallville for all these years? I mean, I was resistant to it, I thought it was kind of a stupid concept, and my feelings on Superman (Ehhh, not as good as Batman, yes Jen, I KNOW you like Superman better) and my hesitancy to accept the legitimacy of The WB probably had something to do with it. But this weekend I watched season 1 and some of season 2 (my new favorite thing ever) and I can't believe I was never into this before. I mean, for the love of God, it combines superheroes and teen dramas the two cornerstones of my nerdness.

Long story short I plan to catch up as fast as possible and at the very least indulge in season 8 once I'm there.

Because you know, I need another show to be addicted to. Clearly.

And on that note, shall we discuss this season's DWTS?

Lance Bass has been a raging disappointment, although him dancing the Paso to "I kissed a girl" was hilarious. You know because he's a homo.

I love Cody Linely and he and Julianne are just plain adorable together, all sweet and fresh and blonde. Their rumba was one of the first non boring non creepy ones I've seen on the show.

Toni Braxton and Brooke Burke are also great, Kim Kardashian was awful, but she and Mark looked hot together, it's a shame she's gone.

So yeah, that's that.


Jen said...

I only like Superman better because he is in fact better. =D

Reenie said...