Thursday, April 7, 2011

To Scott with Love

So, as the TV season starts into its final push, I'm getting ready for the end of The Office...

OK, the show's not actually ending, really. But what's the point of watching once Michael Scott, played by Steve Carrell makes his exit?

Granted maybe I'm not the most reliable. I am the person who still watched Scrubs after Zach Braff left and actually thought it was decent. (It was a dark time in my life, OK? And Dave Franco is really, really cute! And the Denise/Drew love story made me smile) And sure, as long as they don't make the same mistake Scrubs did and make the office about all new characters, except say, Jim and Ryan, who become supporting players and for some reason Pam and Kelly aren't even mentioned, it might be OK.

But for now, let us recall some of our favorite Michael Scott moments:

1. Threat Level Midnight: A running joke throughout the show, this season we finally saw Michael's action masterpiece, Threat Level Midnight, the story of Michael Scarn's defeat of the evil Goldface. Aside from the turdtastic movie itself, the fun here was getting to see some of the old minor characters return. Roy as a hostage, Karen as a bachelorette in a bar. Jan as a lounge singer, Pam's mom as a sexy nurse. Plus Andy's role as a bartender is actually a tour de force Ed Helms performance.

2.Prison Mike: When the Stamford people were still around (except Andy, obviously) it turned out one of them was an ex con. So to acclimate the group Michael performed an improv character, "Prison Mike" who stated that the worst thing about prison was "the dementors, they were always flying around and you couldn't be happy!" (Thanks to Mary for that one)

3. "Engaged Ain't Married": I always like it when Michael gets emotional, and in the episode Booze Cruise, when he encourages Jim to go for it with Pam, despite Pam's already being engaged is super sweet.

4. The Client: Another great thing they do on The Office is show why Michael was promoted, he is a buffoon, but he's also an amazing salesman. We see that when he scmoozes Tim Meadows over margaritas and a fried onion. Brilliant storyline.

5. "Snip Snap": The Dinner Party episode is one of my all time favorites. And Michael's freak out over the multiple vasectomies, and the general awkwardness of the entire episode is great. In fact the whole Michael and Jan relationship was such a hilarious disaster, it's hard not to crack up.

So those are my favorites, what are some of your guys'?

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