Friday, November 13, 2009

"Big Wheels Keep on Turning"

I've been hoping for a few things from Glee and I got them this week.

I really wanted to look more deeply into Artie and Tina. I was getting frustrated by the lack of exploration into characters with potential. I like that we've gotten to know Puck and Quinn, but I as feeling jipped out of getting to know the characters we met in the pilot.

The episode focused on Will deciding to get the kids to empathize with him by having them all ride around in whellchairs at least 3 hours a day. And then a romance between Artie and Tina. I nearly fell over I was so happy. Tina admitted that she's only been pretending to have a stutter because as a shy child she didn't want to talk to people. Upset that they no longer had their need to overcome something in common Artie walked (or rolled) away. It was extremely touching, and Chris Colfer's rendition of "Dancing With Myself" was beautiful.

There were two other smaller stories happening, including Kurt and Rachel trying for the same solo, "Defying Gravity" from Wicked. Because my mom and I have been calling Lea Michelle "Little Idina" since the show began, I was extremely amused. There is a resemblance between her and Idina Menzel. A big one.

Anyway, this storyline wouldn't have been much if it hadn't been for the interaction with Kurt's dad, played by one of my personal favorites, Mike O'Malley. O'Malley starred in one of my favorite shows, the much maligned Yes Dear, and would you know it, he can actually act. I love the way they're showing that although he's still trying to understand his son's sexuality, he loves the kid and is going to do what he can to help his son. Also, it reminded me of my dad, trying to understand glee club in terms of sports...he still calls intermission "half time" because he knows it bugs me and my brother and sister.

The third story had me crying. We got a deeper glimpse into Sue's life. Principal Figgins ordered her to hold open tryouts to fill Quinn's spot on Cheerios, and ended up giving the spot to a girl who has Down's Syndrome. Will, and I'm sure the audience were all trying to figure out what her angle was. As it turned out, she didn't have one. In a big reveal Sue has an older sister with Down's, who she goes to visit and read to on a regular basis. I was crying really hard. Down's has impacted my life in very personally, one of my cousins is Downs and I've said many times that he is the best part of our family. He's our heart, and I loved the portrayal that this was the case for Sue too, and it made me weepy.

The final number was "Proud Mary," you know, "Big Wheels Keep on Turning!" Which was a really great song choice, considering the fact that the whole show was about both wheelchairs and being out and proud ("Proud Mary" hi, really easy to make that connection thanks!)

Plus the episode gets bonus points for repeated use of the word, "handicapable" which is the most ridiculous PC term ever and one of my favorites."

1 comment:

Katie said...

and i feel better about tina's poorly acted stutter now that i know she was SUPPOSED to be faking.

everyone is happy.