Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Second Coming: Heroes

I have just begun to process the Heroes two part season premiere. First of all, we get to see Future Peter again...and ahh, Milo + Scar. MMM.

Part I:

So, Claire's super evil in the future, that's kind of awesome. She's pointing a gun at Future Peter's face. They're both wearing leather and we get a ton of that awesome Claire and Peter creepy sexual tension that I totally missed last season. It's awesome. Claire tells Peter she's sorry, and she's always loved him, he stops time before the bullet hits, stares at her all creepy and takes her gun. Then he teleports. Future Claire looks around baffled. Can we start out with the WTF factor? I mean, we all know that that creepy Peter/Claire vibe is because of the creepiness of Milo and Hayden, alright? But seriously, she's his niece! And sixteen! It's gross! That being said, Hayden looks damn sexy in leather. Why is it that in post apocalyptic futures people are always wearing leather? Moving on.

Cut to the present day. We see Peter, Parkman and Nathan...giving Nathan's big reveal of the powers. We see future Peter pull on a coat and baseball cap and...WAIT! Future Peter is the shooter?? OMG! He runs away from Present Peter and Parkman. Claire watches from home, and immediately calls Peter, saying that she should be there, she can help! Peter instructs her to stay put and he'll call her as soon as they know something. Claire's kinda flipped out, goes up to her bedroom and who's waiting for her, Sylar!! AHHH! Scary. Sylar is all creepy and cryptic and they have a really killer fight. Good for Claire, holding her own against him.

Next we see Hiro, who's chillin, messing around with time (forward a half hour, back a half hour) in a big fancy office. Ando comes in and they banter. Oh how I missed Hiro and Ando bantering! Hiro admits that he's bored and wants to be on a quest again. Ando's like, dude you're rich deal! Then a guy shows up with a DVD, a message that Hiro's father left him before he died. Sulu warns Hiro not to open his safe, his destiny is to be a sentinel! Hiro's like, screw that, and opens the safe while Ando goes, "No, stop!" in the safe is another DVD and an envelope. "I told you not to open the safe!" says Sulu, "But since you did don't let anyone get this formula (?) because in the wrong hands it could be devastating." As this happens, it gets swiped from Hiro's hand by a red and white blur. He freezes time and goes after the blur. It's a pretty blonde girl who's confused by him. They banter a bit, she punches him in the face and takes off. Hiro has his quest!

Maya is chilling in Mohinder's dingy Brooklyn apartment, scared of her own shadow. Mohinder comes in and says he put Molly on a plane. A plane to where? What's going on? Where'd they send Molly? Anyway, we see Mohinder and Maya have some sexual tension (I called it! I SOOO called it!) Maya begs Mohinder to take her power away, and he's like, I can't do that. She gets upset, starts to release her evil blackness or whatever the hell her power is, then calms down and Mohinder's all "How'd you do that?" and she's all, "I just did," shrug. Mohinder realizes that the powers are in the adrenal gland and that by using a powered person's adrenal fluid you can get powers too! I am impressed by the sciencey words, but nervous about the implications of this, also I don't like Mohinder being power hungry. I like meek little bookish Mohinder who needs Nikki or Sylar to do his dirty work.

Parkman finds Peter in a closet holding a gun. He suspects Peter may know something about the shooting. Parkman tries to read Peter's mind, Peter does that cool weird Static thing, remember that from season 1, morphs his face, he's got a scar! It's FUTURE PETER? But where's present Peter? CONFUSION! Peter makes Parkman disappear. Nathan gets up and walks out of the hospital and goes to a church and says that he now knows he has to do God's bidding. It's all kind of eerie and awesome. He collapses and Peter catches him, and carries him, we assume back to the hospital.

Sylar succeeds in his attack on Claire. He splits her skull as always, and is inspecting her brain, Claire's awake for this, and it's a completely frightening scene. Although I did enjoy the dialog, especially:

Claire: Are you going to eat it?
Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire, that's disgusting!

Hahahaha! Remember when we all thought Sylar ate brains, how silly we were! Sylar figures out how the healing works, and heals from where Claire stabbed him. Yeah. She stabbed him. I think we're going to get lots of "Claire's really bad ass" moments this season. He gives her back her scalp and it heals up. Claire's mom comes and Claire tells her what happened. Wait, Claire can't feel pain anymore, am I still human?

And speaking of Nikki...She's up to her old tricks...or so we think. Ali Larter in a corset talking to a governor about Nathan. They say that "he's their guy." Yeah, we all know about you and Nathan, Nikki, thanks!

Hiro goes into the future to see what happens if he doesn't get the formula back. Ando with powers kills him! AHH! Ando asks what he saw, he says never mind...We know how Ando gets his powers now, which is exciting.

Nathan returns to his room and Peter and Mrs. Petrelli visit him. After they walk outside and Mama Petrelli asks "Who are you and what have you done with Peter?" Future Peter is startled that she knows him. She laughs and reminds him that he inherited his first power, his prophetic dreams, from her. YAY! We know what Mama Petrelli's power is. Peter assures her that present Peter is someplace safe. Cut to level 5, where some ugly bald guy is banging on glass shouting, "HEY! I'm Peter Petrelli! Let me out!" Back in Nathan's room, he has a visitor. LINDERMAN??? But didn't he die?

Part one ends with Parkman walking around the desert, Mohinder injecting himself on some pier staring at the same picture while the Mohinder voice over read "The Second Coming" by Yeats...which is freaky, since we just did that poem in Modern Brit lit. Anyway, after injecting himself, Mohinder passes out. Uh oh!

Part Two:

Mohinder is woken up by three guys trying to mug him. One holding a gun to his head. He snaps up and bends the gun barrel. Mohinder has super strength. COOLSIES! He runs off into the night.

Parkman wakes up hearing a voice telling him that the plants store water. He looks up and sees a turtle. We assume this means that Parkman can now commune with Animals. We assume wrong. When he thanks the turtle a weird African dude asks "Why are you talking to a turtle?" They converse and he reveals that he can paint the future and that Parkman is supposed to be on a spirit walk.

Nathan and Linderman strategize. And then Nikki comes in and offers him a senate seat. And he's all, "Nikki, remember when we did it?" and she's all, "My name is Tracy!" After she leaves Linderman assures her that she's not Nikki, but he should consider this whole senator thing. Peter comes at some point and tells Nathan everything and asks for his forgiveness. Nathan gives it.

Peter goes to see Claire, who was standing in front of Train, trying to feel human again. They chat, and she begs him to teach her how to defend herself. He says no, he can't and disappears. Claire gets broody.

Maya comes to check on Mohinder and finds him on the ceiling meditating. He explains to her that his senses are heightened, that he's never felt like this before. Then he climbs up the wall. Apparently Mohinder turned himself in Spiderman, which is cool I guess. Then he and Maya do it. Oh right, and he was shirtless this whole time. Mmm, Mohinder's got abs dude!

We get confirmation that Tracy lady is not Nikki, because we find out she has Ice Powers.

Elle and Bob are back, they have a fight about Elle letting Sylar get away and about provoking Claire. Bob yells at Elle about her Daddy issues and she runs away angry. Then when she comes back Bob's dead! AH! She runs to level five and sees he's there. They fight and as he's about to take her out, when she has a huge electro burst and knocks him out. All the level 5 dudes escape, including guy who Peter's trapped as.

Later, Mrs. Petrelli tells Elle she's fired. I'm thinking this is a bad idea, but what do I know. Then she talks to Sylar, and tells him she's his mother! He says, this isn't possible, she says but it is! AHH!

Claire is thrilled when her father comes home and he says that he's going after the level 5 guys. Claire says she wants to go with him. He says she can't. She gets broody again, then they give away the big ending...CLAIRE'S REAL MOM IS BACK! YAYS!

Oh right, and Nathan's playing chess with Linderman, and his nurse comes in, and it turns out, oop, Nathan's crazy, Linderman's not really there. That's going to be SUPER FUN!

Yeah, and Hiro and Ando have an adventure in France going after super speed lady. It was kind of boring.

Mohinder waked up all snuggly with Maya and goes into the bathroom. He washes his face and notices his skin is peeling off. EW.

SO there you have it. I tried to capture the awesomeness, I couldn't. It was unbelievably good. Like beyond words good. It should be an amazing season. Plus, uh TWO PETERS!!! YAY!

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