Monday, September 22, 2008


I love award shows. I really do. The fancy clothes, the self indulgent speeches, the random musical numbers, the forced witty banter. And on that note, this years Emmys did not disappoint. The clothes were mostly good...America Ferrera had a rare and unfortunate misfire. Eva Longoria gets my best dressed, Hayden after that, then Kate Walsh. Tina Fey won 4 Emmys last night! YAY Tina Fey!!!

The 5 hosts, Tom Bergeron, Ryan Suckcrest, Jeff Probst, Howie Mandel and of course Heidi! I have to say the opening bit, Bergeron and William Shatner ripping off Heidi's clothes couldn't have been funnier.

The highlights though.

Obviously anything with the Daily Show guys, both winners. Colbert won for writing Stewart for hosting. Their presentation was funny...not allowed to make any statements, Colbert pulled out a bag of prunes and was talking about how "America needs a prune!" Get it? Then Ricky Gervais demanding that Steve Carrell return his Emmy from last year. "Look at him. Look at his stupid face." President Bartlett addressing the nation once again, urging us to vote and then introducing The President of The Academy. And the best moment of the whole night Josh Groban sings your favorite TV themes.

Like I said, I'm really excited that Tina Fey won all those Emmys, and 30 Rock won even more, but I'm not so thrilled that as a result of this a certain blonde haired um, "actress" who I graduated high school with got loads of face time. ICK.

Anyway, it was a good telecast.

Heroes premiere tonight! YAY!

1 comment:

christine. said...

omg I found your blog through your FF profile. sweet! i'm wonderin' who this interesting classmate is of to dish?