Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another Side

It's rare that I can make an obvious connection between Heroes and Gossip Girl, but this week I did.

Both shows announced in these episodes one of their major intentions, to explore the humanity of those who we thought had little to none left, and to see a different side to those that we thought were good.

Both episodes gave us huge leaps into the humanity of the "evil" characters, whether it's socially evil (Chuck) or actually evil (Sylar) Dan wanted to get outside his comfort level and decided how better to do this than hang with Chuck and it turns out that Chuck's real mom died in childbirth, and that's why Bart resents him and why Chuck hates himself so much. Oh how easily this is explained. What's left of Sylar's humanity is exploited by Angela Petrelli, his birth mom? I'm still confused on that, but I have a feeling that she's telling the truth, and the company made her give him up because his natural power is latent. Anyway, he and Bennett are partners now, and Bennett's none to happy about it...you know given Claire's recent trauma and all. But Angela insists, and he understands as the episode goes on that having a sociopathic multi powered partner is totally beneficial. Anyway, in the "Next Week on Heroes" thing, we saw Peter in the future going to see Sylar who was baking and playing with Mr. Muggles wearing those glasses he wore before he went all evil, saying, "If I knew you were coming, bro, I'd have made more." That's going to be fun.

Also we saw completely different sides to characters we thought we knew well. We're finally seeing as Chuck calls it "The Real Serena." This is the Serena that Cecily Von Zeislinger created, she social climbs without trying or thinking and leaves everyone in her dust without a moment of scheming completely unaware that her actions are hurting others (Others read: Blair) It should be fun to see what Schwartz and Co do with that. As far as Heroes is concerned we totally got a new view of Claire. Yes, Claire often does her own thing, and defies the borders given her, but she takes things to a new level here, stealing her father's company paper work and going after the level 5 escapees on her own, much to the chagrin of her moms.

Oh right and did anyone else know that the Style Network has a ripoff of The Soup with Topanga in the hosting spot? It's called "The Dish." I will watch and report.

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