1. Cheers, Cheers: Of course it's number one, where everybody knows your name. Cheers is the epitome of the fictional hang out. It has a colorful crowd, a great backstory (an alcoholic owner) and of course, Norm and Cliff. Bonus Points: Not just a part of the show but the entire basis of the show. Add in an amusing staff, and you've got a great place to hang out.
2. Central P
3. Monk's Coffee Shop, Seinfeld: The coffee shop is a fairly wonderful phenomenon. It seems to have a standard diner menu, and yet Jerry and the gang rarely orders anything but soup or salad. Have you ever had diner soup? It's usually pretty gross. But Elaine's big salad is so funny, it makes it rank. Bonus Points: Unfortunately none, there's just nothing all that special about Monk's, at least not bonus points worthy.
4. Arnold's Drive In, Happy Days: Arnold's gets credit just for its multiple owners and phases. There's season one, where it's like an actual drive in, like without a real inside, then it becomes m
5. The Peach Pit and The Peach Pit After Dark, Beverly Hills, 90210 and 90210: Nat's Peach Pit
6. The Dot, Degrassi: The Next Generation: The Dot was the place of so much Degrassi
7. The Pie Shop, Ed: OK, so maybe I just put this one on the list because The Pie Shop is actually Beantown, the corner coffee shop in my hometown. But in reality, I loved Ed, it was a brilliant show that died far too soon. Not to mention Actiondale (our ironic nickname for our little town) came alive the two days a week they shot on Allendale Ave. They still have the "Who Wants some pie?" sign up in the window. Bonus Points: They make an excellent frozen hot chocolate (I haven't been there since 8th Grade, what do you want from me?)
8. Chubby's, Boy Meets World: Chubby's, like oh so many of these places was a burger joint. It was here that Cory and Topanga broke up, and made up so many times, that Shawn went on that date with that bitchy girl who wanted to break him and Corey up. And remember the time that Shawn dressed up as a girl to write a story for the school paper and Corey dresed up as a waitress because he felt left out? Also at Chubby's. Bonus Points: When they changed hang outs to the coffee place on campus, Chubby's became a pirate themed restuarant. PIRATES!
9. Crowley's Bar, My Boys: All hale the dive bar! Crowley's is clearly the hang out of the Chicago sports writing elite. OK, maybe not, but PJ and Bobby both cover the Cubs for major papers, so
10. The Hub, That 70s Show: There were two hang outs in Point Place, The Hub and Eric's basement. I went with the hub. Mostly because it is here that my favorite scene in the entire show takes place. When Jackie has the dream sequence that she's slutty Sandy in Grease and Hyde is Danny and they do the "You're The One That I Want" dance. Bonus Points: There are no waiters, you have to go up to the window and get your food yourself.
So that's my top ten, did I miss any? (I know I did, but any that you guys particularly want to add.)
uh, MacLaren's from How I Met Your Mother! bonus points cuz NPH is there and they call Marshall a gay pirate there.
I had to choose between McLaren's and Crowley's and I'm soo amped for new My Boys on Tuesday that I had to go with that!
*sigh* acceptable, i suppose...
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