So, the Twilight DVD came out on Saturday. It brought with it my 3rd viewing of the movie itself (Saw it twice in the theater) this time with my dad and my sister. My dad read the books this summer and really liked them. He thought the movie was OK, but he really can't wait for New Moon, because, let's face it, the werewolves are the ones who make this saga what it is. Mary broke her total Twilight boycott, although she did take to shouting "Cedric!" every time Robert Pattenson was on screen. I assume this is payback for the last time she watched Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix and in the scene where Cho is all sad over Cedric I said, "Don't be sad just because your boyfriend became a vampire and moved to Washington!" Mary detests all things Twilight purely on the principal that as a fan of both Harry Potter and Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles people always tell her she will love it. We're a very contrary brood, if people tell us we'll like something, we immediately become averred to it. I was the same way with Twilight at first, only I was told that I would like it because Bella and Edward were like Angel and Buffy (HA! They are so not!) Then when I was commuting into New York and reading more than ever I decided that I would see what all the fuss was about, and fell in love with Jacob. Anyway, this viewing proved that the movie did hold up on multiple viewings...But that's just a happy bonus. I bought the DVD for the bonus features.
Deleted scenes...there's really not a lot there, at least nothing worth really seeing. Some interesting stuff where James and Victoria make out a lot...and I find myself perversely attracted to Cam Gigandget, despite his sketch factor. Maybe it's because he killed Marissa...That might just be it.
The making of documentary was great. The interview with Stephanie Meyer was extremely illuminating, her writing process is a lot like my own, so that was really cool to see. I've never been inspired by a dream, but for me, I get pictures in my head and develop them.
The footage from comicon made me want to strangle some of those girls..."OMG I LOVE EDWARD! SQUEEE!!" I'm just too old for the fangirl thing. I did it, I was so there when I was in high school, but now I'm just like, "BAH, was I that annoying a mere four years ago?" (I was, by the way. A prime example is the time that my friend Ali and I made our siblings come see Aida with us when Adam Pascal was back in it. The sheer force of our squeals when he first takes off his shirt before "The Past is Now Another Land" could have deafened anyone.)
But the real treat is the commentary with Katherine Hardwicke, Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson. This guy used to annoy the crap out of me, but now I just want to give him hugs. He doesn't think that he made an effective Edward...or he's at least self depricating. My favorite quote is, "Look at this guy, no one in high school would have liked him. With his stupid little pea coat! My God!" "Well, Rob, no one talks to him." "Yeah, no wonder!" I was peeing myself. He also complained constantly about his plucked eyebrows and how skinny he was, and how he's not at all scary. (I agree with all of these things, but he still pulled off Edward.) And they totally gave Billy Burke (Charlie) his props. I adore his performance in the movie and I can't wait until Breaking Dawn when he'll really get to shine. Oh right, and he's on My Boys, so you know, there's that...even though he plays a character there who I want to go away.
Overall, the DVD is worth it. Summit was very smart and priced it low, I paid $17.99 for mine at Best Buy, and it's the same on Amazon, the Blu-Ray was $24.99. I think it's a good move to keep it within the price range of the target audience. Well done marketting department.
Well, it's got to hold me over until True Blood season 2 starts in the summer...although Buffy season 3 just got put up on Hulu, so that'll do it too.
I just can't wait for New Moon. All Jacob, all the time!
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