It was a good night for Browncoats last night.
1. Summer Glau guest starring as herself on The Big Bang Theory...where Raj hit on her. If I were Summer Glau I would hook up with Raj. If I were me I would hook up with Raj. He's adorable! Then Howard ruined it. Summer Glau is awesome.
2. The premiere of Castle! WOW! My roommates and I literally squealed through all of it. My God is Nathan Fillion attractive. After all you know these are not the hammer...Oh right, the show. Actually it was really good. Kind of by the numbers, it reminded me a lot of Bones...in a good way, and that's kind of funny because Bones stars another Whedonite (Really, if I have to say who, then you don't deserve to be on the internet...just Google it!) Anyway, Rick Castle is a lot more complicated than you'd expect, much like Mal Reynolds and I'm really interested in seeing where they take the show. Unlike on many of these sexual tension fueled shows, both of the characters acknowledge that the tension is there. I'm interested in seeing how the show turns out. Plus you know, nothing else is on after DWTS...WHAT UP!
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