Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When you can live forever...

OK, first things first, my apologies for going so long without an update. I was swamped with school work, a trip home for a weekend, and my project for the next week.

I'm rereading the Twilight saga in preparations for the movie opening next Friday...OK it started out as rereading Twilight but then, well, I don't know why, I needed to get my Jacob fix, which you don't get nearly enough of him in just Twilight, so I moved on and did New Moon. And then well, New Moon gives you such a cliffhanger, and Eclipse is clearly the epitome of the series (Although I suppose those who are more partial to Edward over Jacob might pick the original, but I think everyone who's read them can agree that it outshines Breaking Dawn but a whole lot!) I'm almost done with it now, where I'll move on to Breaking Dawn, despite my antipathy towards some of the ways Meyer decided to tie up loose ends as well as sooo many ends she didn't tie up. (When the Cullens leave Forks, what's Jacob supposed to do? Wait around for seventy years until they show up again and he can be with Nessie? Or does he go with them? Won't he and Rosalie kill each other? What about Charlie? Won't he get all heartbroken when Bella and Nessie disappear from his life? What about that other half vampire who was totes checking Nessie out even though she's like 5 or whatever, and she and Jacob are soul mates? See how the questions mount?)

That being said, I'm managing my expectations for the movie version, but everytime I see something new from it I get a little more excited. I'm still not sold on Cedric Diggory as Edward, and it seems from the publicity at least that he sneers too much. Edward isn't like that. He's kind and sweet and perfect, and I'm sick of him, which is why despite the saga ending and the convenience of Nessie, I still think Bella should have chosen Jacob. As soon as I saw Kristen Stewart with dark hair I knew she was perfect for Bella. I really loved her in In The Land Of Women and I think she has the right mix of quiet sarcasm and intelligence for the part. Rosalie isn't pretty enough, but who is? (OK in my head I see Julianne Hough, but I do have a gimundo girl crush on her) Emmet and Jasper are perfect and I pray for the sequels so that we get more of them. Emmet is my favorite side character except maybe for Seth Clearwater, and I want him to be represented well. When I said Emmet and Jasper were perfect it was nothing to how perfect the girl they have for Alice is, at least visually, she fits the books description to a T, like Stephanie Meyer dreamed her up. The girl who played Rebecca on Grey's will make a fantastic Esme, especially given her resemblance to Kristen Stewart, it sets up a nice visual that Edward would pick a girl who resembles his "mother." And Carlisle is good too, immensely good looking and kindhearted, he fits, which is as I said before, nice to see.

I kind of love that James is being played by Volchock from The OC. For several reasons,
1. He killed Marissa, and for this I will always be grateful (someday I will go into my deep seeded hatred for Marissa Cooper)
2. He's really really good at being enticingly creepy, that's how he lured Marissa into his sinful slug lifestyle which eventually caused her death. Much like Anne Rice's, Meyer's vampires lure their pray in by being attractive to them.
3. He was on THE OC!

Other side characters I'm psyched for...FRITZY IS PLAYING JESSICA! OK, so anyone who knew me five or six years ago, has had to deal with Camp. (Camp is a severely corny independent film about theater camp that me and my friends were obsessed with!) Fritzy was our absolute favorite character, a quiet freak of a girl who poisened the Queen Bee to steal her role in Company...anyway, I know I'm excited to see her do something high profile, even in as small a role as Jess, I don't know about my fellow Camp-heads. Bella's non vamp friends are all there and just fine, and an added love interest for Charlie is an interesting addition, although unnecessary and kind of clumsy...since it's sort of implied that Charlie and Sue Clearwater hook up in the end. There's someone credited on IMDB as simply "Jacob's friend" and my guess is that it's supposed to be Sam, or maybe Quil or Embry.

Now to my Jacob. True, in Twilight he's minimal, and so the need to cast someone just right is a serious "Just in case!" (If the movie tanks we won't see New Moon, let alone Eclipse and Team Jacob will be devastated by this) But that being said they nailed him. The kid has that sweet face and wide grin that Bella describes as loving. And he was so psyched for it that he grew his hair out. Anyone with that much enthusiasm has my backing! Of course the whole movie could suck and as long as he was good I'd be happy.

That being said, I can't wait to see what direction they take it in. I've already got two dates to see it (Going with Erin at school and then my Dad when I get home) so you'll get my first watch reaction as well as a pretty soon after rewatch. Keep your eyes peeled!

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