I don't do scary. I'm a big fat coward, and I've just always avoided things that are outright scary, mostly because of terrible nightmares I had when I was a kid.
Because of that, during this time of year, right before Halloween when we're supposed to embrace the scary, but it was never good. But there are some very clear alternatives to scary for Halloween time:
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas....or Corpse Bride...or Batman...or anything.
I have some issues with Tim Burton, although mostly just, Tim Burton in the past five years, but there's something about his work in the late 80s and most of the nineties that embodies the spirit of Halloween. The silly creepiness, the out of this world visuals. Of course, The Nightmare Before Christmas will always own the day. Probably because it's about Halloween. Also Danny Elfman's music is some of the most beautiful and inventive ever heard. So, if you really want something to get you in the mood for Halloween, go with Jack Skellington and the gang.
Hocus Pocus
"On all Hallow's Eve when the moon is round a virgin will summon us from under the ground."
Hocus Pocus is the best of Halloween alternative entertainment. It's about witches and history, kind of. It's about Salem and three sisters, who are witches, who are killed and then vow to return...they do, in the early nineties. Hijinks ensue. Really, this movie is about the fact that the sisters are played by Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker. That and there's a character named "Thachary Binks" who turns into a cat! A CAT I tell you!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I've made no secret of my love for Buff and the gang, but this time of year especially. Only have an hour or two? Try the original movie. Kristi Swanson can't match Sarah Michelle as Buffy, but Donald Southerland is awesome as her first watcher and Luke Perry is hilarious as her love interest. Or make a night of it and rent the DVDs of Season 2 or 3 (I'm partial to pre Angel stuff, since I like David Boreonaz) and watch the banter fly and the vamps turn to dust.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Shout at the screen, throw things, do the time warp, just don't tell anyone if it's your first time! Either stay in and watch it with your friends, or hit a midnight showing with people ready to have a crazy good time. That's what this one's all about. Also Tim Curry has better legs than most of the women I know. I'm just saying.
Shawn of The Dead
I like real Zombie movies too (especially really old cheesy ones, that aren't particularly scary), but that's part of why I love Shawn so much. Simon Pegg does genre satire better than anyone in the business, and his send up of zombie movies is perfect. I personally love the idea of heading to the pub to wait out the Zombie scourge, might as well have a pint while you're stuck. Shawn's ex girlfriend Liz sums up what his slacker hero perfection perfectly. "Does it strike you as disturbing that your idea of a place for a romantic evening and a impenetrable fortress are the same?" It's a laugh a gory minute.
Young Frankenstein
Did I say that Pegg did genre satire best? I'm sorry, I lied, he's up there, but he can't compete with Mel Brooks. Young Frankenstein remains a seminal Halloweentime classic. Gene Wilder and Brooks wrote the screen play together, and Wilder's performance is pitch perfect. The supporting cast doesn't suck either. Terry Garr, Madeline Kahn, Peter Boyle and Cloris Leachman. Right, and of course this little number:
What about you all? Any non scary All Hallow's favorites for you that I missed?