Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wish List: Gossip Girl Season 3

I just got through watching GG season 2 on DVD, and there are a few things that I'm just dying to see happen in season 3:

1. Jenny, Eric, Jonathan and Co ROCKING at Constance/St. Jude. Seriously, they've set up this trio to absolutely rule in a way the older kids didn't get to during their upperclass years in HS. Jenny is queen, and Eric remains my favorite underused GG character.
2. Blair/Chuck relationship drama. The will they or won't they drama is over, and beautiful though it was, I can't wait to see what happens with these two as Manhattan's number 1 couple. I'm guessing lots and lots of evil.
3. NATE AND SERENA But I think you guys knew that
4. Dan/Georgina hookup. Come on, you want it too. It's so perverse and wrong and PERFECT! It can be like Blair and Chuck Part II. But without all of the pastels.
5. Less Vanessa, more Eric.
6. Lily, Rufus, Eleanor and Cyrus having a more pronounced presence on the show. The way Kirsten, Sandy and Julie used to on The OC.
7. IT GIRL CHARACTERS! Seriously, Jenny as Queen is ripe for some Jenny v Tinsley action.
8. Uh, Nate, personality? Maybe? No? Yes? Also dancing. PLEASE PLEASE have him dance!
9. More Carter...sure he's just Diet Chuck, but there is so much that can be done with the character, he could become a more permanent presence a la Georgina.
10. BLAIR, BLAIR and more BLAIR!

What about you all? Anything you specifically want to see this season on GG?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok no no no to nate and serena. but you know how i feel about that. and i dont think nate is capable of having a personality, he's just there to look pretty.
also go watch all the promos on the gg website...i think at least a few of your wishes will be coming true :-)

i think my main wish is for lots of georgina and lots of blair (even better when they're together). My fave underused characters are totally Eric and Cyrus so there better be lots of that. And I'd like to see Blair and Chuck enjoy drama surrounding them but not between took forever for this to finally happen they better not break it up right away!!