Monday, August 10, 2009

A Series of Impressions

So, for this week's True Blood, I don't have a coherent review, or summary, just random impressions

1. Jason Stackhouse = BAMF, he was the man in this episode. I hope he continues to be the man. Also, when he hugged Bill it was hilarious.
2. Jessica is a virgin forever! I SO CALLED IT! Also Hoyt is adorable.
3. Blah blah blah, Sookie and Bill blah blah blah
4. Eric is HAWT!!! So is Godric, in that Cullen kinda way.
5. I half expected Marianne to tell Tara and Eggs to "Try the Priest."
6. Poor Jacob...I mean Sam.

Anyway, decode if you can.

1 comment:

preppyplayer said...

True Blood takes my breath away!