I've decided to recap Sons of Anarchy's season premier last night in the same style as See Spot Run.
OK, not really, but that's what I kept thinking about...
You know:
This is Jax.
See Jax declare that he's leaving SAMCRO?
Declare Jax, declare!
This is Tara.
See Tara make terrible decisions regarding her relationship with Jax?
Make terrible decisions Tara, make terrible decisions!
OK...so it was more complicated than that. In addition to that Opie and Lyla got married and Opie said he couldn't wait to "add to their family" and then Lyla made a guilty face because you know, she had the abortion last season.
We met Tara and Jax's son, Thomas, and we saw Able toddle around and cause some kind of problem.
But really? Can we spend a whole fourth season with Jax brooding and waffling about leaving the club and Tara nagging him about it until Gemma does something to totally manipulate one or both of them so that they have to stay in Charming?
Manipulate Gemma, manipulate!
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