Friday, July 29, 2011

I Wanna Be Your Superhero

The time has come, as I always knew, hoped and dreaded that it would.

Entourage has begun it's final season.

Believe it or not, I'm more emotional about this than I was about Harry Potter.

I think it has something to do with the moment of the thing. Harry was an era. Vince and the boys, they're just a moment. A very distinct moment, that is now over.

Last season ended on a low note, even for Entourage. Vince was being arrested for coke posession after Eminem kicked the crap out of him. Sloan had just asked Eric to sign a prenup, Turtle's tequila deal was running away from him, Ari's wife had kicked him out and Drama was, well, Drama.

When we open for season 8, Vince is on his way out of rehab (relieved exhale), Eric and Sloan broke up (again, this story line is boring and they should get married already), Turtle's tequila was actually doing quite well, as was Drama's impending cartoon, Johnny's Bananas. (This is a bizarre flip in Entourage-land, when Turtle and Drama do well, and Vince and Eric don't.) And Ari's wife asked him for a divorce.

As much as I've appreciated the extra time with the boys, I think that the show was given a satisfactory conclusion in season 6, Vince leaving to shoot Ferrari in Italy, Ari getting the agency back on track after the disaster that was Andrew, and Eric choosing to stay in LA with Sloan rather than go to Italy with the boys.

Because for all that Vince gets the attention, Entourage is really the story of the team behind the man. This is Eric and Ari's story.

And if this story ends anywhere but with those two happy with the women they love, Doug Ellin will be receiving many angry letters from me. (Except he probably won't. But I will whine about it, a lot.)

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