The most important change came in format. I used to write long entries about all of the night's shows in one post, rather than shorter ones for each show. The shorter entries have given me more freedom, and help me track comments easier.
Some thank yous are definitely in order. Thanks to Patty, over at Preppy Player, for being my blog mentor, for lack of a better word. I really appreciate it. Check out her blog, which is about everything from fashion to sports, to her life as a mother. Also Holly at The 80's Unlove Child, my first follower and oft contributor of comments as well as my thematic blog sister.
My awesome friends who read and comment and put up with me, especially Katie, Katherine and Jen, who always comment when they have something to contribute and often inspire me to write about things in general. You guys have been great. Special thanks to Katie for creating that First Anniversary graphic for me. I salute you photo shop mistress, and thanks for incorporating my logo!
Also major thanks to my parents, who apparently brag about me doing this. Which I think is a weird thing to brag about, but thanks Mom and Dad!
And thanks to all of my readers and commenters over the past year! It's nice to know I'm not just talking to myself here. You guys have been great.
happy BLOGday popgirllives!! :o)
Reenie! Thank you for the thank you!
Happy Anniversary, you've come a long way and your blog gets better and better!
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