Once upon there were two friends, they grew up in Boston together. They went to Boston Latin together, one of them went to Yale Drama, while the other went to LA to find his fortune. They both had some small film roles, even a few together. One was clearly making a bigger splash than the other, mostly in the Indie cult film world, due to this comedy where he played a guy who turned a lesbian. They had decided a while ago to write their own movie. They did, and they showed it to the guy who made the lesbian comedy. He showed it to the guys who gave him the money for the lesbian comedy and then they made the movie. It won a few Oscars...and the rest is history.
You know who I'm talking about right?
Good Will Hunting is the kind of movie that you love when you see it the first time. See the problems with the second and then if you ever watch it again (watch it again!) you realize why you loved it the first time. It's pure.
Also you can totally tell which parts Ben wrote. Mostly any time they bust on Casey. Also "How do you like them apples?"
And yeah, what I said at the beginning is true, there was a time when Ben was the star, not Matt. Crazy right? In the end we learned that Matt was in fact the one with more acting talent, although Ben's funnier, and Matt was the one with the staying power, and that's why he got asked to sit at the cool kids table with Clooney and Pitt. (Shut up, don't tell me Hollywood isn't just like Middle School. You know that Matt totally ignores Scott Mosier in the halls now.) But back to the point. I love this movie. I think it's funny, I think it's touching, and I think that the two guys, and Robin Williams give amazing performances.
So how do you like them apples?
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