Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Top 10 Season Finale Moments! Part 1

I told you guys I would get into season finales eventually! So here they are, the twists, turns and joys of this TV season's finales, my favorite moments from them.

10. Brothers And Sisters: Mexico

One of the first season finales of the year, and also one of the best. The Walker clan (and Rebecca) trekked down to Mexico to find Tommy. Really this only gets a spot because of the very ending, Tommy standing by a fountain while James Taylor's "Mexico" played in the background. I love that song, so there you go.

9. Heroes: An Invisible Thread

The Heroes finale, was a bit clunky, but definitely worth getting through the heft. If only for again, that final moment, when Sylar/Nathan notices that the clock in his office was running slow and fixed it. It gave me chills. My only worry is that with his reacent box office explosion Zachary Quinto will realize that he's so much better than this show and jump ship, since they don't really need him anymore, what with the birth of Sylar/Nathan and all.

8. The Office: Company Picnic

Pam is pregnant! I know! Really there's nothing else to say. I was so excited I could have peed myself.

7. One Tree Hill: Remember me as a time of day

The epitome of all OTH moments came in this episode, when Nathan came home and told Haley that he was now in the NBA. It was so beautiful and touching and happy, in an episode full of beautiful, touching, happy moments. Of course something is going to go horribly wrong in the fall, but we can hope for the best.

6. My Boys: Spring Training

It just aired two nights ago, but this episode was full of great moments, but I have to say that my favorite came when Brendan gave PJ a long a meaningful look when she told him he needed to start finding non crazy girls to date. Maybe I'm reaching, I don't know.

Numbers 5 to 1 coming later in the day!


c said...

I loved the finale of brothers and sisters, too! can't wait for next season!

Anonymous said...

yuch. pam is pregnant. it makes me sick.