Sunday, January 18, 2009

The End of An Era

I came home from school this weekend and had a great relaxing and wonderful weekend. I spent Thursday night with my NJ girls and it was amazing, and then Friday shopping with my mother (I got a pair of jeans, seriously, I know I've been wearing Gap jeans since I was 10, but honestly, they fit me so well!) and then spent Saturday reading Forever Princess, the tenth and final book in The Princess Diaries series.

It's weird for me to say goodbye to my literary doppelganger, I've always considered myself a total Mia. The writing, the dorkiness, the obsessive nature, the television obsession. I'm still looking for my Michael, and he and Mia got back together in the last ten pages (Thank God!) and Mia and Lilly mended their friendship, (Just like me and my own ya Al! *blows kiss*) and decided to attend Sarah Lawrence with a major in creative writing. I am interested in seeing the next step in Meg's career. I mean, I've read most of her books, and I love them so much, my own writing style is highly influenced by her and I think she's great.

Actually I'm kind of hoping that all the girls who navigated adolescence with Mia will navigate young adulthood with Lilly. (My Lilly, Lilly Collins, not Lilly Moscovitz, I can see how that would be confusing.) Anyway, I just wanted to mark the time. I've been reading about Mia and her friends, boyfriends, heartbreaks and obsessions for almost ten years now. Seeing her finally get her act together in the last 20 pages of her saga. It's also hard to believe that Meg managed to write an almost 400 page Princess Diaries book.

Also new and exciting...I'm going to pay more attention to the blog, not just for updating, I'm going to really do this. Chech out the cool new logo I put up as the header! If you can figure out the lettering I'll give you a cookie! (The virtual kind!)

And The Beek goes back to the Creek tomorrow night...yeah, Dixon's showing up in Tree Hill...personally I hope he makes Lucas balance in a boat and stare out over the water while the sun's setting. It'll be cyclical. Anyway, I'll be sure to get into that. And Fringe and Lost come back, so I'll be gettin a little more intellectual! Or you know talk about the great Jack vs Sawyer debate (I'm Jack all the way, although Sawyer has his shirt off a lot more.) and I'm hoping to read Bitter is The New Black at some point before the regular semester starts and my life gets eaten by school work and choir!

1 comment:

preppyplayer said...

Reenie! Love the header and that you illustrated your post. I look forward to following your blog while you are at school/ Have you been reading Nie Nie? If so I hope you started at the beginning. Please try, their story is a true love story-nonfiction style!