Friday, February 12, 2010


Let's talk Olympics.

I love The Olympics. I love the ceremony, I love the ridiculous sports that you never get to watch any other time. I love the medals, and the pomp and circumstance.

I love Olympic athletes, and the way that they become rock stars for two weeks a year. Sometimes more.

Apparently I'm in the minority, but I much prefer the Winter Olympics to the summer. In the winter you get figure skating, and ski jumping, and speed skating and biathlon.

What's biathlon? It's a combination of cross country skiing and crossbow shooting.

Yes, crossbow shooting. Ridiculous! And amazing! Of course they don't shoot each other. That would be ideal. They shoot targets. But still.

Oh right, and the Winter Olympics also give us this guy.

Oh Apolo...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Questions to be answered.

Oscar noms out today. But having not seen any of the nominees, I don't have much to say about them. (Seriously folks, I still haven't seen Avatar)

So let's talk Lost.

Epic final season begins today and I'm insanely psyched up for it.

Questions that I'm dying to have answered in this final stretch of story.

  1. What are the numbers?
  2. What is the monster?
  3. Who is Jacob? (My friend Mark's theory is that he is Jacob, you know, Israel, of the book of Genesis? And the other dude is Esau, the brother that Jacob disinherited. I took it further then and asked if Richard was Joseph...Mark wasn't so into that theory.)
  4. Charlie was destined to die, even with the reset, does he die?
  5. If they never go to the Island, do Desmond and Penny still have their baby?
  6. Does this mean that they won't get to the Island?
  7. If they remember what happened will Sawyer kick Jack's ass for killing Juliet? (PLEASE SAY YES!)
Anyway, we shall see tonight. I'm hoping to get my mind blown!!!!